
4 Essential Brand Reinforcement Methods

Branding communicates across all languages, professions, Geographic’s, and social-economic barriers.

Creating and Operating Within Your Brand

What are people saying about your brand? Is it what you would like for them to say? If the answer is no, then it is important to stop and make a solid decision on what your trying to say about yourself through your brand

It is also important to understand that a logo is not a brand. The logo only represents the brand. The logo is symbolic of what is felt or thought about your brand.logo design and branding

Another, factor to consider when branding is the colors you would like representing your business. When picking a color for your business you also have to keep in mind the different means and emotions a color can cause. Please refer to the color wheel below to see which color best suits your business.


Things to consider when picking your color should include:

What emotions you want your audience to feel when they think of your brand. Is your company based on education, health, children, women, or fitness?

It is not unusual for more than one business to share a color pallet. This makes it very important to make yourself stand out.  Using creative secondary and tertiary color combinations can help you still rise about your competition.

After you have developed a color scheme the rest of your business starts to fall in place. You can now create other branding material like logos, brochures, business cards, and more.

Logo design can cost up to 100’s of thousands of dollars depending on the type of business you are.  Graphic design is an expensive investment for startup businesses, so their logo continues to change and grow as their income grows and as they truly define what their business really is.

It is advised to keep your first logo simple and to the point. Just make sure that it accurately displays what your business does and reflects your company colors.

Your Interaction on Social Media

Social Media is your voice to the world. It allows you to create and build an international company when used correctly. Many people make several mistakes when it comes to branding themselves on social media platforms.

social media marketing

Many people believe that they don’t need social media to grow their business. What they don’t realize is that face to face marketing and social media marketing go hand in hand when growing a business.

When you start to post on social media make sure you are posting things that carry your brand. Think of it this way, if someone comes back on some social media platform days after they see your post, will they remember who you are?

Communicate with Consistency

In order to afford your services your customers have to be busy business owners. It is easy for them to forget that you exist, the only way around this is to develop actual relationships. Many people consider a person that doesn’t need their services right away as a cold lead, but what they forget is that the person knows other people who may actually be ready to buy.

email marketing

It you really want to generate leads and long term relationships it is important to get email addresses. These can be used as an evergreen form of lead generation. Most importantly it allows you to brand yourself as the expert while gaining their trust.

Just sending out emails is not enough. You have to make sure the email templates you use will trigger a response.  One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is using a service that already offers these templates.

get response

The last thing you need to address when sending emails is making sure they are smartphone and tablet friendly. This is important because statics has shown that almost 50% of your subscriber’s will leave your list if this convenience is not available.

Consistency Is Always Key

Your message needs to be clear across all of your marketing platforms. Your brand should also be consistent across your stationary, products, and more. Instead of looking at the opportunity to sale your products see it as another way to communicate your brand.

If you have employees, you will want to make sure they also understand your brand. This will serve as a way to have more people building your brand.

It’s All On You

Here are a few questions to consider when you personally sit down and look at your business. When your customers approach your brand do they get a consistent image? What are the methods you use to achieve that?

It is important for business to share their success stories as well as their struggles. Do you have any branding tips that has helped your business? Maybe you have discovered some time saving strategies that work. Please share and comment below.



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